

(初學者等級) 學習筆記 & 課程整理

Google Analytics for Beginners

── Notes & Course Structure



Google Analytics簡介

Course Overview 課程大綱

Google Analytics for Beginners shows new users how to create an account, implement tracking code, and set up data filters. You'll learn how to navigate the Google Analytics interface and reports, and set up dashboards and shortcuts. The course will also demonstrate how to analyze basic Audience, Acquisition, and Behavior reports, and set up goals and campaign tracking.

Google Analytics for Beginners會向新用戶顯示如何創建帳戶,實施跟踪代碼以及設置數據過濾器。您將學習如何瀏覽Google Analytics界面和報告,並設置儀表板和快捷方式。該課程還將演示如何分析基本的受眾群體,習得和行為報告,並設定目標和活動跟踪。

Unit 1: Introducing Google Analytics 單元1:Google Analytics簡介


Lesson 1: Why digital analytics?  第1課:為何需要「數位分析」?

Lesson 2: How Google Analytics works 第2課:Google Analytics的工作原理

Lesson 3: Google Analytics setup 第3課:Google Analytics設置

Lesson 4: How to set up views with filters 第4課:如何使用過濾器設置視圖



Unit 2: The Google Analytics layout 第2單元:Google Analytics佈局


Lesson 1: Navigating Google Analytics 第1課:瀏覽Google Analytics


Lesson 2: Understanding overview reports 第2課:了解概覽報告


Lesson 3: Understanding full reports  第3課:了解完整的報告


Lesson 4: How to share reports 第4課:如何分享報告

Lesson 5: How to set up dashboards and shortcuts 第5課:如何設置儀表板和快捷方式


Unit 3: Basic Reporting 單元3:基本報告

Lesson 1: Audience reports  第1課:觀眾報告

Lesson 2: Acquisition reports 第2課:收購報告

Lesson 3: Behavior reports 第3課:行為報告

Unit 4: Basic Campaign and Conversion Tracking 第4單元:基本活動和轉換跟踪

Lesson 1: Measuring Custom Campaigns  第1課:衡量自定義廣告系列


Lesson 2: Tracking campaigns with the URL Builder 第2課:使用網址構建器跟踪廣告系列

Lesson 3: Using Goals to measure business objectives 第3課:使用目標衡量業務目標

Lesson 4: Measuring AdWords campaigns 第4課:衡量AdWords廣告系列

Lesson 5: Course review and next steps 第5課:課程回顧和下一步








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